What is New for 2023? Check Out the New Products Showcases…The 2023 New Products Showcase is your “road map” of what’s new on the show floor. There’s no better place to see the latest and most creative product releases than in the New Products Showcase. This showcase highlights new products introduced since last year’s show. The showcase is THE BEST WAY to ensure you see some of the most innovative products prior to the show and learn about the hottest industry trends, all in one place, making it an exciting and “must see” area. In order to make the New Products Showcase as visible and accessible as possible, the showcase is located in front of the show floor directly near the main entrance of the exhibition hall. The products in this listing and “on-site” do not represent all of the new products at the 27th Americas Food & Beverage & Conference Show, only those products from companies who are participating in the New Products Showcase program. To search by Booth Number, Company Name, Product Category or to Display All, follow the menu options below. The 27th Americas Food & Beverage & Conference Show cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information furnished, nor does a listing connote the Show Organizer’s endorsement or recommendation.